Getting botanists to talk
Supporting the botanical congresses of the Société Botanique d'Occitanie.
« Botanical convergences » program

Blossoming talks
The French botanists' meeting
Guess what happens when you gather tens of experienced botanists in one single place? They blow the beautiful seeds of knowledge into the wind! Every year, botanical researchers gather from all over our beautiful country to share their latest discoveries, under the leadership of the Société Botanique d'Occitanie. It won't be a surprise to you that our foundation decided to support the event, which brings together several hundred plant enthusiasts and to be present there.
On the agenda: let's talk plants
So what does this great botanical conversation look like? Well, it's purposefully broad! Expect lectures covering just about anything that has to do with the world of plants, from their classification (taxonomy) to their conservation, the history of their studies, flowers and even some very exotic botanical trips. Did you see the word "bryology" on the programme? You are not mistaken, it is the study of mosses, and they are part of the conversation too!
Here are a few examples of the topics featured this year:
- An overview of hawthorns in north-eastern France (Jean-Marie Royer)
- Is there something linking France to Irish Hibernolusitanian species (Micheline Sheehy Skeffington)
- Plants: built and destroyed by microorganisms (Marc-André Selosse)

Blowing ideas into the wind
Plants may not travel, but their seeds sure do. For the seminar, we have chosen to imitate nature in this way, with the choice of a roaming format, from one year to the next.
Historically based in Occitania, it will leave Montpellier and start its own journey: first Nancy (2022), then Montpellier (2023), then Nantes (2024). Where will it go next? The future will tell us.
Occitania is also the birthplace of the Klorane Botanical Foundation
Botany is not our only link with this congress: Occitania is one too. Some of you may know that our foundation travels the world for its projects, but what fewer people know is that we are based in the South of France, near Toulouse. To us, that's all the more reason to join forces with the Botanical Society of Occitania for this event.
The Botanical Society of Occitania
The Société Botanique d'Occitanie and its members, which publish the journal Carnets Botaniques and the symposium Convergences Botaniques, are passionately committed to the knowledge and promotion of botany and related sciences. Led by researchers, pharmacists, amateur botanists and botanical trainers, they work in partnership with a lot of French associations and organisations linked to the natural sciences.