Seed bombs
Green up your urban or rural environment in no time at all!
What’s a seed bomb?
It’s a small ball of compost and clay (about the size of a golf ball) containing seeds that can be used to re-vegetate or re-green a rural or urban environment!
Why make seed bombs?
Seed bombs contain all the nutrients needed for plants to grow (thanks to the compost and clay) and are often used in concreted areas with little or no access, including embankments, spaces behind fences, roadsides and flat roofs, to improve places that have little or no vegetation and are cruelly lacking in beautiful flowers. The clay will dissolve the first time it rains, releasing the seeds, while the compost will give the seeds the helping hand they need to start growing.
What types of seeds should I use?
Using seeds from melliferous plants in your seed bombs (i.e. plants that produce a good amount of nectar and pollen) will help attract pollinating insects. There are lots of ready-made mixes available in shops and garden centres that contain things like clovers, poppies, flax, camomile, cornflowers, calendulas, etc.

What materials do I need?
- Powdered clay.
- Seeds (preferably seeds from local wild plants that are melliferous and certified local).
- Compost.
- Some water in a spray bottle to moisten the soil and clay when forming the seed bomb.
- If you’re working outside, don’t forget to bring a bowl of clean water to wash your hands!
- If needed, a small container or box to store and carry your new seed bombs in.

Ready? It’s DIY time!
Before you start, you might want to put on some old gardening clothes or an apron, in case you get dirty.
This is the perfect activity to try with your children, your students, your parents... all you have to do is adjust the quantities to suit!
To make a seed bomb:
- Mix two handfuls of compost with three spoonfuls of clay (green, white or red – it doesn't matter!).
- Add some water from the spray bottle, gradually kneading the mixture by hand until it resembles modelling clay.
- Form a small ball, about the size of a golf ball!

Using your finger, dig a small hole like a well in the centre and sprinkle a few seeds in it (around ten or so).
Then close the hole up and form a small, round ball! Don’t hesitate to moisten the ball again to make sure it forms properly.
Now you’re ready to go out and start scattering, but don’t forget to wash your hands!
Now that your seed bombs are ready, you can use them in areas where there’s little vegetation (ideally on private land, in your own garden or perhaps the garden of a family member) or in concrete areas where you have permission! Remember, seed bombs should never be thrown into protected natural spaces, as this could upset the balance of a fragile environment.
Over to you!
Share your botanical adventures on social media by mentioning @KloraneBotanicalFondation!